PhD thesis

Darshan Chalapathi Micromechanics of duplex stainless steels: experiments and crystal plasticity modelling IIT Madras 2022

Journal Publications

S.No Authors Title Journal Year DOI Link
1. Chalapathi D, Nordstrom J, Siriki R, Lautrup L, Chai G, Kanjarla A K Deformation twinning and the role of stacking fault energy during cryogenic testing of Ni-based superalloy 625 Materials Science and Engineering A 2024 10.1016/j.msea.2024.146404
2. Chalapathi D, Bhaskar L K, Sivaprasad P V, Chai G, Kumar R, Kanjarla A K Biaxial deformation behaviour of duplex stainless steels: Experiments and crystal plasticity based stress predictions Materials Science and Engineering A 2023 10.1016/j.msea.2023.144597
3. Chalapathi D, Sivaprasad P V, Chai G, Kanjarla A K Anisotropy work hardening behaviour in duplex stainless steel under uni-axial loading: Interplay between phase morphology and crystallographic texture Materials Science and Engineering A 2022 10.1016/j.msea.2022.143418
4. Chalapathi D, Sivaprasad P V, Kanjarla A K A crystal plasticity investigation on the influence of orientation relationships on texture evolution during rolling in fcc/bcc two phase materials Materials Today Communications 2022 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2022.103300
5. Tirumalasetty D, Chalapathi D, Veeramusti V, Sankaran S, Kanjarla A K Bain variant dependent plastic anisotropy and formability in duplex stainless steels Materials Letters 2022 10.1016/j.matlet.2021.131031
6. Sarvesha R, Chalapathi D, Yadava M, Jain J, Singh S S In-situ studies on deformation and fracture characteristics of AZ91 Mg alloy Materialia 2021 10.1016/j.mtla.2021.101177
7. Chalapathi D, Sivaprasad P V, Kanjarla A K Role of deformation twinning and second phase on the texture evolution in a duplex stainless steel during cold rolling: Experimental and modelling study Materials Science and Engineering A 2020 10.1016/j.msea.2020.139155
8. Kumar A, Khatirkar R K, Chalapathi D, Bibhanshu N, Suwas S Texture development during cold rolling of Fe–Cr–Ni alloy-experiments and simulations Philosophical Magazine 2017 10.1080/14786435.2017.1322727
9. Kumar A, Khatirkar R K, Chalapathi D, Kumar G, Suwas S Microstructure and Texture Development during Cold Rolling in UNS S32205 and UNS S32760 Duplex Stainless Steels Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 2017 10.1007/s11661-017-4026-9

International Conference presentations

S.No Authors Title Conference Year and place Type
1. Darshan Chalapathi, PV Sivaprasad, Anand K Kanjarla Effect of orientation relationships on texture evolution during cold rolling in fcc-bcc two-phase material ICOTOM 1-4 March 2021, Japan Oral
2. Darshan Chalapathi, PV Sivaprasad, Anand K Kanjarla Study of deformation texture evolution during cold rolling of SAF2906 duplex stainless steel using crystal plasticity modelling technique EUROMAT 1-5 September 2019, Stockholm, Sweden Oral
3. Darshan Chalapathi, PV Sivaprasad, Anand K Kanjarla Experimental and modelling study of deformation texture evolution during cold rolling in duplex stainless steel THERMEC 8-13 July 2018, Paris, France Poster